Blog Archive – Page 19 of 20 – Florida Animal Friend

How to Apply for A Florida Animal Friend Grant

This spring season, municipal and non-profit agencies in Florida are given the opportunity to apply for a grant from Florida Animal Friend to receive funding for programs that increase dog and cat sterilization. Programs that provide spaying and neutering services to pets in low-income families, pit bulls, community cats, and TNR colonies play a critical … Continued

The Cost of Unaltered Pets

One of the best things an owner can do for their pet’s health is to get it spayed or neutered. Spaying and neutering your pet provides many benefits like increased longevity and reduced pet homelessness. But did you know it is more cost effective to spay or neuter your animal than to leave your pets … Continued

How to Keep Your Pet Healthy in the New Year

2019 is upon us, and by now, you may have broken a few of your resolutions for staying healthy in the new year (we can’t blame you…chocolate is calling our name too)! However, there’s one area of focus you should absolutely not let slide –– your pet’s health. Here are a few ways you can … Continued

How Spaying and Neutering Reduces Overcrowding in Kill Shelters

Animal shelters everywhere face a terrible dilemma: What do they do when they can’t find homes for the cats and dogs in their care? Approximately 3.7 million animals are euthanized at shelters each year because there aren’t enough adopters willing to take them. Luckily, there’s a way to reduce the number of animals who encounter … Continued