Blog Archive – Page 17 of 20 – Florida Animal Friend

Caring for Pets and Communities Beyond Spay and Neuter

Spay and neuter operations are a crucial way to help Florida’s animal population, but for us, it’s even more than that. It’s our focus. It is the driving mission of Florida Animal Friend, and it’s the reason for our grants. Florida shelters, rescues, spay and neuter clinics and veterinarians are successfully reducing the number of … Continued

How Spaying Your Cat Saves Animal Lives

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), 3.4 million cats enter shelters every year. By neutering or spaying your cat, you help prevent the feline population from growing and save animal lives.  Why spay and save? Below we’re sharing just what spaying your cat means and how it helps … Continued

What Does It Mean If a Cat has a Clipped Ear?

Ear-tipping is an important, mostly painless procedure to help identify cats that have participated in these programs. It is a vital signal for the community and allows organizers to manage the feral cat community better. 

2019 Recommendations on Spaying and Neutering

Deciding to spay or neuter your animal can lead to a lot of questions like “when is the best time?” or “what are the benefits to your cat or dog?” A literature review of spaying and neutering cases lead to the following recommendations that may help to answer some of your questions on alteration for … Continued

How Feeding Feral Animals Affects Our Ecosystem

When you see a cat roaming the streets, your first instinct might be to put out a tin of food or a bowl of water. After all, seeing animals without a home or caregiver is hard. However, before you put out that tin of food, you should know that feral cats (free-roaming or stray cats) … Continued