Grant ID: 1809
Title of Proposal: SNIPPIN' Dogs & Cats (Spay Neuter Initiative for Pets and People In Need)
Agency Type: Non-Profit
Total Funding Requested: $25,000.00
Check Payable To: North Florida PAWS, Inc.
Application Information
Name of Applicant Agency: North Florida People for Animal Welfare Society, Inc. dba North Florida PAWS, Inc. Website Address:
Person Submitting Proposal: Katie Rooney Position: Executive Director
Person Submitting Proposal Email Address: [email protected]
Agency Head: Katie Rooney Agency Head Email: [email protected]
Organization Business Address: PO Box 9, 940 Oak St. City: Jennings
State: Florida Zip: 32053-0009
Phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx): 386-938-4092 Fax:
Agency Details

Date of 501(c)(3) Incorporation: 02/14/2000
Dates of Last Fiscal Year: Begin: 01/01/17    End: 12/31/17
Organization Income in Last Fiscal Year: $14,194.82
Organization Expenses in Last Fiscal Year: $27,083.70
Number of Paid Employees: Full Time: 0  Part Time: 0
Number of Active Volunteers: 9
Total Volunteer Hours per Week: 72.00
How did you learn of the 2009  Florida Animal Friend grant competition? We have been supporters of FAF since its inception and we received an e-mail reminder.
Year(s) of previous Florida Animal Friend grants (if applicable):
Previous Florida Animal Friend Applications: Years Funded: 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 Year(s) denied/incomplete: 0
Auto-Generated (Previous Applications):
Grant #Proposal YearProposal TitleStatus
1362010Pups & Kits SnipFunded
3222012PET AID Spay SubsidyFunded
14302014Pit Bulls & Community Cats In NeedFunded
16042006 Funded
16052008 Funded
16622016Fixin' Pitties and KittiesFunded
18092018SNIPPIN' Dogs & Cats (Spay Neuter Initiative for Pets and People In Need)Funded
Describe your Organization:
Services Provided Organization Structure:

List your current board of directors:

Diana Peck RooneySecretary727-743-2461Biologist
Katie RooneyPresident/Treasurer386-938-4092Retired Humane Resources Manager
Scott RooneyVice President386-855-0031911 Manager

Applicant Qualifications
For your organization, in the last complete fiscal year:
3  cats and 16  dogs were admitted.
3   cats and  14   dogs were adopted.
0   cats and  0    dogs were euthanized.
301   cats and  87    dogs were sterilized.
Briefly describe your animal programs:
If your program performs adoptions, are all animals sterilized before adoption? 
If not all, what percentage of animals are not currently sterilized before adoption? 
If not all, how are animals selected for sterilization before adoption? 
If not all, describe your sterilization policies and procedures for assuring sterilization after adoption:
Give additional background information on your organization's programs as they relate to this application and the qualifications of the personnel who will be in charge of this program. Show that you have the ability to carry out this program. 
North Florida PAWS was incorporated in 2000 and opened a low-cost spay/neuter clinic in January 2008. 14,038 surgeries and over 200 low-cost Vaccination Clinics were accomplished in the following eight years. After closing the clinic, North Florida PAWS established a partnership with North Florida Animal Rescue and Veterinary Clinic in Wellborn for low-cost surgeries for our shelter pets, grant recipients, and the low-income pet owners we assist. Katie Rooney has been the Executive Director for 18 years and Clinic Manager for eight years and is the representative for our membership to FACA. Her background includes a BS in Sociology, 23 years of experience as a Human Resources Manager with the Veterans Affairs Hospital System, and 25 years as a Dog Trainer. Scott Rooney, Vice President, and Diana Peck Rooney, Secretary, will assist clients in any way needed. Scott Rooney is a 911 Manager and Auxiliary Sheriff’s Deputy. Diana Peck Rooney has a BS in Biology and works as an Animal Care Technician at the University of Florida. North Florida PAWS has a proven track record of operating a spay/neuter clinic for eight years, successfully managing grants since 2006, and carrying out many other animal welfare programs.
If you currently have a program for sterilization of cats and/or dogs, describe your current level of funding and productivity and why additional resources are needed? 
Through donations and fundraising activities, we are able to assist very low income pet owners obtain spay/neuter and basic veterinary services. We have partnered with the Hamilton Humane Society, Inc. and are assisting with their “Fixin’ Country Cats” FAF grant. During 2017, we spent $17,476 in direct spay/neuter expenses. $15,750 was the 2017 portion of our 2016 FAF Grant (350 surgeries) and $1,726 by PAWS direct donations (38 surgeries). With this grant, we can spay/neuter at least 550 dogs and cats above our capability. With our current level of funding, we estimate that North Florida PAWS can fund up to 8 surgeries per month at an approximate cost of $6,000 for 12 months based on a guaranteed Matching Grant of $3,000 available May 1, 2018. The FAF grant will increase that number by 550.

Target Population
Geographical target area (name of city, county, zip codes, geographical Information service (GIS), etc.):
Columbia, Hamilton, Madison, Suwannee Counties 
Total human population in target area: 146,435 
Percent of residents living below poverty in target area: 24.8 
Estimated number of pet cats in target area (human population divided by 3.3): 44375 
Estimated number of pet dogs in target area (human population divided by 4.0): 36609 
Estimated number of feral cats in target area (human population divided by 6.0): 24406 
Number of cats admitted to animal control shelters in the target area last year (if known) n/a 
Number of dogs admitted to animal control shelters in the target area last year (if known) n/a 
Number of cats euthanized in animal control shelters in the target area last year (if known) n/a 
Number of dogs euthanized in animal control shelters in the target area last year (if known) n/a 
Please explain if you believe your target area animal population is significantly different than above.
We believe the estimated number of pet dogs and cats in the target area is higher than national average because this highly rural, poor region in North Central Florida ranks very low in per capita income ($18,414), high poverty level (24.8%), and high school dropout rate (21.3%). Because of these disadvantages and limited sheltering resources in the four identified counties, there are significantly more intact dogs and cats continuously reproducing.
Please explain what you believe are the most substantial sources of dog and cat overpopulation in the target area:
 Large dogs are unfortunately popular among the poorer members of our community and constitute a higher-than-usual percentage of the dog overpopulation. There is also an unusually high number of community cats whose owners keep them outdoors. Most dogs are kept outdoors as well.
What kinds of spay/neuter services are currently available in the target area and in what ways are these resources currently insufficient to meet community needs?
North Florida Animal Rescue in Wellborn, Suwannee County, provides excellent low-cost spay/neuter surgeries. One vet opened a small low-cost clinic in Live Oak, Suwannee County. Unfortunately, there are too many low-income pet owners who cannot afford even their low prices so subsidized programs are needed.
Florida Animal Friend is highly supportive of proposals that are focused on animal populations that are identified as substantial sources of dog or cat overpopulation rather than being diluted over too broad of a geographic area or diverse animal populations. Describe the specific target animal population of the spay/neuter project proposed for this grant:

TNR Managed Colony Feral Cat Program/Community Cats (Free-Roaming and/or Owned) Program
Define the precise boundaries of the colony or targeted area, including estimate of square miles.
Most of the feral cats reside on large acreages on private property within Columbia, Hamilton, Madison, and Suwannee counties totaling 2,725 square miles.
What is the criteria used for determining the target area(s) and/or eligibility for this program?
Cat caretakers must be in receipt of income-based government assistance in the form of Food Stamps, Medicaid, or SSI, and have a total family income that does not exceed 150% of Federal poverty guidelines.
Describe whether the targeted area is rural, suburban, or urban. Is it commercial, residential, agricultural, or a designated special land use?
The entire targeted area is rural and designated either residential or agricultural.
Estimated number of cats in the target colony area : 10000  
Estimated number that are currently sterilized: 1000
Projected reduction after utilizing the grant:  250
For TNR program, describe the ability to maintain lifelong care for remaining cats, commitment level of volunteers/organizations, etc.
To qualify, individuals participating must be currently caring for the cats and commit to continuing that care. We have found that TNR caretakers we have helped in the past have continued to care the cats and ask for our help sterilizing any new cats who have joined the colony or been dropped off. North Florida PAWS remains available to provide support.
Do current city/county ordinances address TNR or free-roaming cats?

Please explain what is allowed:

(NOTE: FAF will not fund any program this is inconsistent with local ordinances.)
For TNR program, list any groups or government agencies who support this TNR effort:
HAMILTON COUNTY: Hamilton Humane Society, Town of Jennings ACO Lori Johnson, and City of Jasper Manager Charles Williams. MADISON COUNTY: County Animal Control ACO Jamie Willoughby and Suwannee Valley Humane Society in Lee. SUWANNEE COUNTY: North Florida Animal Rescue in Wellborn and Suwannee County Animal Shelter in Live Oak. COLUMBIA COUNTY: Lake City Columbia County Humane Society which provides Animal Control and Shelter by contract.
Describe any effort to lessen the negative impact on local wildlife.
Owners/caretakers can call upon North Florida PAWS if there is a concern wildlife is being impacted, particularly due to a lack of cat food.
Describe efforts that will be made to mitigate current or potential nuisance issues.
Owners/caretakers generally live on large parcels of land which significantly reduces the potential for neighbor disputes. We will help resolve neighbor disputes when needed.
Will the cats be ear-tipped? Yes
Will the cats be microchipped? No
Provide any additional information that will help the grant selection committee understand how this program will operate to achieve its goals.
All individuals and groups managing a feral cat colony will receive help with trapping and transport as well as surgery. North Florida PAWS has a supply of traps and experienced volunteers.
What do you hope to accomplish with these funds (objectives should be specific and quantifiable)?
Based on an average cost of $45 for each surgery from grant funds, we plan to spay/neuter a minimum of 550 dogs and cats, giving priority to females, large dogs, and community cats. If the ratio of dogs to cats and females to males is higher than estimated, North Florida PAWS will make up the difference of increased cost to assure our goal is met.
How does this program increase the number of sterilization surgeries above the existing baseline?
The eligible owners/caretakers will be those who cannot afford even the reduced costs of the non-profit spay/neuter clinic. The low $10 co-pay for surgery and help with transportation will assure a minimum of 550 more dogs and cats will be helped.
What criteria will you use to determine eligibility for your program? 
Owners/caretakers must be in receipt of current government assistance based on a maximum of 150% of the Federal poverty levels through receipt of Food Stamps, Medicaid, or SSI. Proof includes a valid photo ID matching the name on qualifying documentation.
How will you advertise the program? Explain how the advertising will reach the target audience.
We continually receive unsolicited requests from persons who would be eligible. In the past we have been successful through posting flyers (English and Spanish) in places frequented by low-income families (local health department, libraries, Head Start, etc.). The local radio stations and newspaper have always been supportive and publicize our press releases. We also use social media, including our website, and our animal welfare partners in the targeted area.
How will you address barriers to full use of the program such as transportation, illiteracy, and cultural hurdles? 
Our volunteers are experienced working with our diverse cultures and are available to help owners/caretakers with transportation, completing forms, providing traps, and any other problems which arise.
Does this project involve the transportation of animals by someone other than the client? If so, describe the vehicles, methods for confinement, personnel training, liability releases used to assure the safety of the animals and handlers.
Each approved volunteer transporter must be experienced with animal handling, use their personal vehicle, provide proof of current vehicle and health insurance, and sign a liability release form. All transported animals are safely confined in a crate or trap of which North Florida PAWS has a large supply. Volunteers who are not experienced in transporting animals must ride with experienced transporters until they have received sufficient on-the-job training.
Veterinary Services

What arrangements have you made with veterinarians to perform the surgeries? 
Conveniently located south of Wellborn in Suwannee County, North Florida Animal Rescue’s veterinary clinic will perform the spay/neuter surgeries at the agreed fees shown below. This organization is a 501(c)(3) low-cost clinic.
Are they:  

Veterinary Practices
Practice NameAddressCityStateZipPhoneLead Practice
North Florida Animal Rescue, Inc.16800 CR 137WellbornFlorida32094386-963-1354

Fee Range
What is the fee range to be paid for spay and neuter and what is the distribution to be paid by the client vs. the grant program? Keep in mind that Florida Animal Friend grant funds may only be used for costs directly associated with sterilization surgery (including anesthesia and pain control) and not for other items such as vaccines, testing, licensing, and capital purchases.
Amount Paid by Client Amount Paid by Project Total Amount
Range for Male Cats
Range for Female Cats
Range for Male Dogs
Range for Female Dogs
Please check each item below to indicate additional services offered at the time of surgery, whether the client is required to pay for them, and if so what the fee is. For example, if an examination is required for surgery but is not charged to the client it would be marked: Required  Yes, Fee to client No
Required, Optional, or Not Offered Fee to Client?
Rabies Vaccination if Due   
Other Vaccination if Due   
Pain Medication   
Parasite Medication   
HW Testing   
Feline Leuk/FIV
County License   
Ear tipping   

None of the anticipated grant funds can be used for any of the above services, except for pain medication.
If necessary, please explain the procedures and fees described above: 
North Florida PAWS will cover the cost of the $10 co-pay, $5 rabies vaccination, and/or $5 pain medication for the most indigent owners/caretakers on a case-by-case basis. If a client declines to pay for the pain medication for dogs, North Florida PAWS will pay the $5 fee to assure all dogs have take-home pain meds.  
Is this a voucher program? No
If so, how will you assure compliance with the program?

For your voucher program, how have you determined the capacity of the veterinarians listed above to handle the projected capacity?
Will you have the ability to report the number of vouchers issued and the percentage that result in S/N surgeries?

Community Collaboration
To assure the success of your program, are there any local groups (such as rescue groups, animal control agencies, TNR groups, local businesses, local media, social service agencies,etc.) other than your organization and your cooperating veterinarians who are committed to assist?
Please list them and detail their level of involvement with the proposed effort.
NameLevel of Involvement
City of Jasper, Hamilton CountyAdvertising to their community and assisting their citizens as needed.
Hamilton Humane Society, Inc.We work closely with this organization. They have committed to help with advertising, transport, trapping, and any hands-on help needed for residents in any of the targeted counties.
Lake City/Columbia County Humane SocietyWe have had a long-time relationship with this Animal Shelter which also provides Animal Control to Columbia County by contract. They will advertise and refer their citizens for this program.
Madison County Animal ControlMadison County's ACO Jamie Willoughby has in the past and will continue to promote our spay/neuter programs in Madison County.
North Florida Animal Rescue, Inc.They have agreed to spay/neuter pets under this program at a significantly reduced rate and will advertise and promote this program on an on-going basis.
Radio Station 107.5 in Hamilton Co.Station Manager Phil Jones supports Hamilton Humane Society and North Florida PAWS in their animal welfare efforts and will provide free, on-going advertising for this program.
Suwannee County Animal ShelterThis county Animal Shelter has supported and promoted our spay/neuter programs and will continue to do so for their community.
Suwannee Democrat newspaperThis community newspaper and its community paper The Jasper News in Hamilton County have supported us by publishing press releases and PSAs and covering our community events. They will provide free publicity for this program.
Suwannee Valley Humane Society, Madison Co.We have had a long-time relationship with this private, no-kill animal shelter. They will advertise and promote this program to their members and at all of their events.
Town of Jennings, Hamilton CountyThe Animal Control Officer attached to the Police Department and the Town Manager have committed to helping with advertising and whatever citizens in their community need.
WMAF Radio Station, Madison Co.WMAF is a local radio station which always publicizes our events and spay/neuter programs.

Other Information
Provide any additional information that will help the grant selection committee understand how the program will operate to achieve its goals.
 North Florida PAWS has over 11 years’ experience serving spay/neuter and other needs of low-income pet owners in this area of North Central Florida. We have a good understanding of our community and have established relationships with many government officials, organizations, and individuals.
Total number of sterilization surgeries projected:
Cats: 300    Dogs:  250 
Total budget requested (Budget should not exceed $25,000): $25,000.00 
Average cost/surgery projected: $46.00 
Describe any expenses that are not included in the grant and how they will be paid for (for example, vaccines, microchipping, ear notching, etc.):
All costs for advertising, printing, gas, postage, and other miscellaneous expenses will be paid by North Florida PAWS.
Describe any other funding sources for this program, i.e. other grants, targeted fundraising efforts, budget allocation, etc.
On a case-by-case basis, North Florida PAWS will cover the costs of co-pays, rabies vaccinations, and pain medication for the most indigent owners. All costs associated with this program will be paid by North Florida PAWS general funds, dedicated donations, and matching grant.
What percent of the total cost of the program would this projected grant cover?
All projects must be completed within 12 months of receipt of funding.
Projected start date: 08/01/18/     Projected end date: 07/31/19
Unexpended funds
Any unexpended funds must be refunded to Florida Animal Friend within 30 days of the end of the project.

Requests for extensions
Requests for time extensions are discouraged and not often granted. If it is imperative to request an extension, such request must be made in writing at least 30 days prior to the end of the project. It is FAF’s policy to seldom grant more than a 30-60 day extension.

Failure to submit reports and requests within the required time period will impact your agency’s future grant applications.
Future Funding to Sustain Public Spay/Neuter
*Explain how the organization plans to fund this program in the future. Having sustainable plans including other grants, local donations and other services generating revenue enhances the chances of receiving this grant.
Through collaboration with Hamilton Humane Society, Inc., and North Florida Animal Rescue/Vet Clinic, and additional fund raising activities and events, we will increase the number of low-income pet owners/caretakers we can help during and after the grant period.
Promotion of Florida Animal Friend Spay/Neuter License Plate
*Applicants selected for funding are expected to publicize their grant in support of their spay/neuter program and promote the sale of the Animal Friend license plate via press releases, newsletters, website links, social media, etc. Please describe your plan to promote the Florida Animal Friend Spay/Neuter License Plate. Grantees are required to submit documentation of promotional endeavors with their final report.
North Florida PAWS continually promotes FAF Spay/Neuter License Plates via flyers, press releases, newsletters, websites, Facebook pages, posters, brochures, and displays at events. All of our vehicles have the specialty license plates.