Grant ID: 1728
Title of Proposal: Daytona Beach, FL & Holly Hill, FL Low Income Spay/Neuter Initiative
Agency Type: Non-Profit
Total Funding Requested: $25,000.00
Check Payable To: Halifax Humane Society, Inc.
Application Information
Name of Applicant Agency: Halifax Humane Society, Inc. Website Address:
Person Submitting Proposal: Michael Ugarte Position: Chief Financial Development Officer
Person Submitting Proposal Email Address: [email protected]
Agency Head: Miguel Abi-hassan Agency Head Email: [email protected]
Organization Business Address: 2364 LPGA Blvd City: Daytona Beach
State: Florida Zip: 32124
Phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx): 386-234-4703 Fax: 386-267-0651
Agency Details

Date of 501(c)(3) Incorporation: 01/01/1980
Dates of Last Fiscal Year: Begin: 01/01/16    End: 12/31/16
Organization Income in Last Fiscal Year: $4,600,000.00
Organization Expenses in Last Fiscal Year: $2,900,000.00
Number of Paid Employees: Full Time: 43  Part Time: 16
Number of Active Volunteers: 551
Total Volunteer Hours per Week: 381.00
How did you learn of the 2009  Florida Animal Friend grant competition? Thankfully we have been past grant recipients.
Year(s) of previous Florida Animal Friend grants (if applicable):
Previous Florida Animal Friend Applications: Years Funded: 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2016 Year(s) denied/incomplete: 2014
Auto-Generated (Previous Applications):
Grant #Proposal YearProposal TitleStatus
1672010Pit Bull Spay Neuter Funded
3232012Free Spay/Neuter ProgramFunded
14342014Free Spay/Neuter ProgramDenied (not completed)
14982015Free Spay/Neuter ProgramFunded
15042006 Funded
15052008 Funded
16862016Spay/Neuter Grant ProposalIneligible
17282017Daytona Beach, FL & Holly Hill, FL Low Income Spay/Neuter InitiativeFunded
Describe your Organization:
Services Provided Organization Structure:

List your current board of directors:

Deirdre Macbeth, ESQSecretary386-212-8224Lawyer
Dr. JJ RobertsMember386-846-6086Doctor
Janice ScottMember386-255-9617Retired
Margaret FergusonVice President386-677-1614Retired
Matt BankerMember386-615-8708Business Owner
Melvin Stack, ESQPresident386-255-1925Lawyer
Michael R. LeonardTreasurer386-212-8224Banker
Patricia CullerMember386-673-0328Retired
Vonda SullivanMember386-316-7564Marketing Executive

Applicant Qualifications
For your organization, in the last complete fiscal year:
3987  cats and 2844  dogs were admitted.
1341   cats and  1526   dogs were adopted.
2018   cats and  482    dogs were euthanized.
5460   cats and  3448    dogs were sterilized.
Briefly describe your animal programs:
If your program performs adoptions, are all animals sterilized before adoption? 
If not all, what percentage of animals are not currently sterilized before adoption? 
If not all, how are animals selected for sterilization before adoption? 
If not all, describe your sterilization policies and procedures for assuring sterilization after adoption:
Give additional background information on your organization's programs as they relate to this application and the qualifications of the personnel who will be in charge of this program. Show that you have the ability to carry out this program. 
For 80 years the Halifax Humane Society has existed as an open admission animal shelter servicing all residents and homeless pets across Volusia County. Caring for over 25,000 animals annually is a financial drain for our donors and an emotional drain for the dedicated staff/volunteers who care for the animals we serve. In order to fulfill our mission of protecting all animals in our care and working towards reducing pet overpopulation, our shelter, since 2012, has been focusing efforts on reducing intake via an accessible low-cost animal sterilization clinic. Operating the Redinger Spay/Neuter Clinic has allowed our organization strive towards achieving the goal of helping the greater Volusia County area in reducing the number of the unwanted pet population. As a result, we have seen our intake percentage drop dramatically since Redinger was opened in 2012. Halifax Humane Society currently performs spay/neuter surgeries at the shelter prior to adoption and in 2016 2,070 animals were altered. The off-site Redinger Spay/Neuter Clinic altered 6889 animals for a combined total of 8959 (total includes rabbits and other small pets).
If you currently have a program for sterilization of cats and/or dogs, describe your current level of funding and productivity and why additional resources are needed? 
Halifax Humane Society is determined to remove all barriers or excuses that prevent owners from sterilizing their animals. We believe this is the best way to curb the animal overpopulation problem and one of the reasons why we offer low-cost spay/neuter services to the public. Despite our low-cost services, there are still individuals who cannot afford to afford surgical fees. While our low-cost services offered year round and funded by private donors and other grant funding, we believe that this low-income targeted grant will allow us to perform 100% subsidized surgeries to those who otherwise would not be able to afford such services. The additional funding is needed to help offset surgical costs and also help underwrite this specific grant campaign programs' advertising initiatives.

Target Population
Geographical target area (name of city, county, zip codes, geographical Information service (GIS), etc.):
Daytona Beach, FL & Holly Hill, FL 
Total human population in target area: 76679 
Percent of residents living below poverty in target area: 28.65 
Estimated number of pet cats in target area (human population divided by 3.3): 23237 
Estimated number of pet dogs in target area (human population divided by 4.0): 19170 
Estimated number of feral cats in target area (human population divided by 6.0): 12780 
Number of cats admitted to animal control shelters in the target area last year (if known) 1564 
Number of dogs admitted to animal control shelters in the target area last year (if known) 985 
Number of cats euthanized in animal control shelters in the target area last year (if known) 684 
Number of dogs euthanized in animal control shelters in the target area last year (if known) 110 
Please explain if you believe your target area animal population is significantly different than above.
Please explain what you believe are the most substantial sources of dog and cat overpopulation in the target area:
 The most substantial sources of dog and cat overpopulation in both Daytona Beach, Fl, and Holly Hill, Fl are those households living in or below poverty. The same households who are unable to afford Halifax Humane Society's currently affordable spay/neuter services and the cities border each other geographically. In 2016 Halifax Humane Society took in 1,294 cats and 852 dogs from Daytona Beach, FL - and Daytona's neighboring border city Holly Hill, FL accounted for 270 cats and 133 dogs.
What kinds of spay/neuter services are currently available in the target area and in what ways are these resources currently insufficient to meet community needs?
There are currently low-cost sterilization services available through Halifax Humane Society and Volusia County Government. While these services help the general public, our shelter is dedicated to seeking out additional funding from organizations like Florida Animal Friend - an organization which further empowers our shelter so that we may offer 100% subsidized surgical sterilization services to those within our community. Those community members who otherwise would never consider spay/neuter surgery for their cat or dog due. We believe that through the Florida Animal Friend grant, Halifax Humane Society will be able to execute a strategic 12-month spay/neuter initiative across two underserved cities. This will not only help reduce the number of animals being brought into our shelter but also educate community members about spay/neuter benefits.
Florida Animal Friend is highly supportive of proposals that are focused on animal populations that are identified as substantial sources of dog or cat overpopulation rather than being diluted over too broad of a geographic area or diverse animal populations. Describe the specific target animal population of the spay/neuter project proposed for this grant:

TNR Managed Colony Feral Cat Program/Community Cats (Free-Roaming and/or Owned) Program
Define the precise boundaries of the colony or targeted area, including estimate of square miles.
What is the criteria used for determining the target area(s) and/or eligibility for this program?
Describe whether the targeted area is rural, suburban, or urban. Is it commercial, residential, agricultural, or a designated special land use?
Estimated number of cats in the target colony area :  
Estimated number that are currently sterilized: 
Projected reduction after utilizing the grant:  
For TNR program, describe the ability to maintain lifelong care for remaining cats, commitment level of volunteers/organizations, etc.
Do current city/county ordinances address TNR or free-roaming cats?

Please explain what is allowed:

(NOTE: FAF will not fund any program this is inconsistent with local ordinances.)
For TNR program, list any groups or government agencies who support this TNR effort:
Describe any effort to lessen the negative impact on local wildlife.
Describe efforts that will be made to mitigate current or potential nuisance issues.
Will the cats be ear-tipped?
Will the cats be microchipped?
Provide any additional information that will help the grant selection committee understand how this program will operate to achieve its goals.
What do you hope to accomplish with these funds (objectives should be specific and quantifiable)?
Our goals with the proposed grant funds are: 1. Offer 100% funded spay/neuter surgery to low-income residents living in Daytona Beach, FL, and Holly Hill, FL owning dogs or cats (not breed or size specific). Must present valid government issued ID proving residency within city limits. 2. Reduce the number of dog and cat intake into Halifax Humane Society from Daytona Beach FL and Holly Hill, FL. 3. Sterilize 200 cats and 150 dogs between September 1, 2017, through September 1, 2018 4. Bring additional community awareness about Florida Animal Friend funding and how others across the community can help ensure continued funding through the adoption of the Florida Animal Friend license plate program. 5. Educate through targeted advertising in English and Spanish about the benefits associated with spay/neuter while also dispelling any cultural myths about having your pet altered.
How does this program increase the number of sterilization surgeries above the existing baseline?
By targeting low-income homes within two cities that already contribute to a large volume of intaken animals arriving we believe an increase in the amount of 350 sterilization surgeries total will be taking place out of the Redinger Spay/Neuter Clinic. Grant funds will open up 350 slots for 100% subsidized surgeries. Something that positively impacts 300-350 pet owners and will only benefit our community in the long-term.
What criteria will you use to determine eligibility for your program? 
1. Pet owners must show valid government issued ID indicating they live in the Daytona Beach, FL or Holly Hill, FL city limits. 2. Spay/Neuter services only available for cats and dogs and not breed specific. 3. Feral Cat Colonies and high volume spay/neuter clients are not eligible for this grant campaign. 4. Pet owners are required to prove current rabies vaccination records (per local laws). If the owner has no proof or is ensure the animal has a rabies vaccination - Halifax Humane Society will charge a flat $10 rabies vaccination charge at the time of spay/neuter surgery (dog or cat).
How will you advertise the program? Explain how the advertising will reach the target audience.
Our shelter has an in-house/on-staff Community Outreach Director who oversees all digital, social, print and media-related advertising campaigns. Using their marketing/advertising and public relations expertise can only further maximize our exposure efforts related to this grant proposal. In addition, Halifax Humane Society has: 1. an ongoing billboard advertising partnership with LAMAR Advertising. Through targeted billboard placement we can hone into the two target markets this grant proposal seeks to reach. 2. a robust network of media contacts across Volusia County ensuring adequate media coverage. 3. a network of contacts within Daytona Beach and Holly Hill, FL government agencies. An added benefit to further spread the proposed spay/neuter grant services offered; these include social agencies. 4. daily interaction with animal control officers within Daytona Beach and Holly Hill, FL. These officers will act as our eyes and ears on the ground by helping distribute postcards/flyers (English/Spanish) advertising the spay/neuter services being funded by this grant. 5. over 30,000 Facebook likes and fans we interact with on a daily basis. This will be another targeted marketing platform to ensure we reach low-income residents. 6. Halifax Humane Society is a Google Adwords grant recipient. The use of Google Adwords search advertising will help capture those looking for spay/neuter services within Daytona Beach, FL and Holly Hill, FL.
How will you address barriers to full use of the program such as transportation, illiteracy, and cultural hurdles? 
1. Transportation will be coordinated with animal control officers in Daytona Beach, FL and Holly Hill, FL should a resident want to partake in the spay/neuter campaign but unable to transport their animal to our off-site spay/neuter clinic. 2. Animal Control officers will help us identify other hot-spots within Daytona Beach, FL and Holly Hill, FL they encounter daily that could use the benefit of this proposed spay/neuter program. Through advertising, word of mouth and door to door education of the residents. 3. Halifax Humane Society in addition to having three fluent Spanish speaking staff members will seak out professional English -> Spanish translators. Translators will help massage the spay/neuter advertising messages for our Spanish speaking audiences so that there are fewer barriers to the messaging.
Does this project involve the transportation of animals by someone other than the client? If so, describe the vehicles, methods for confinement, personnel training, liability releases used to assure the safety of the animals and handlers.
Yes, we currently operate a transport program with full liability insurance. This is an option should a group of residents be unable to transport their own animals. All shelter staff and handpicked volunteers are fully trained to handle and restrain animals safely and securely.
Veterinary Services

What arrangements have you made with veterinarians to perform the surgeries? 
Halifax Humane Society employs one on staff full-time in-house veterinarian who will perform all spay/neuter surgeries at our off-site spay/neuter clinic pertaining to this grant.
Are they:  

Veterinary Practices

Fee Range
What is the fee range to be paid for spay and neuter and what is the distribution to be paid by the client vs. the grant program? Keep in mind that Florida Animal Friend grant funds may only be used for costs directly associated with sterilization surgery (including anesthesia and pain control) and not for other items such as vaccines, testing, licensing, and capital purchases.
Amount Paid by Client Amount Paid by Project Total Amount
Range for Male Cats
Range for Female Cats
Range for Male Dogs
Range for Female Dogs
Please check each item below to indicate additional services offered at the time of surgery, whether the client is required to pay for them, and if so what the fee is. For example, if an examination is required for surgery but is not charged to the client it would be marked: Required  Yes, Fee to client No
Required, Optional, or Not Offered Fee to Client?
Rabies Vaccination if Due   
Other Vaccination if Due   
Pain Medication   
Parasite Medication   
HW Testing   
Feline Leuk/FIV
County License   
Ear tipping   

None of the anticipated grant funds can be used for any of the above services, except for pain medication.
If necessary, please explain the procedures and fees described above: 
Please see uploaded document titled: HHS Vet Services Pricing  
Is this a voucher program? No
If so, how will you assure compliance with the program?

For your voucher program, how have you determined the capacity of the veterinarians listed above to handle the projected capacity?
Will you have the ability to report the number of vouchers issued and the percentage that result in S/N surgeries?

Community Collaboration
To assure the success of your program, are there any local groups (such as rescue groups, animal control agencies, TNR groups, local businesses, local media, social service agencies,etc.) other than your organization and your cooperating veterinarians who are committed to assist?
Please list them and detail their level of involvement with the proposed effort.
NameLevel of Involvement
Daytona Beach Animal ControlOfficers will act as our eyes and ears on the ground by helping distribute postcards/flyers advertising the spay/neuter services being funded by this grant.
Holly Hill Animal ControlOfficers will act as our eyes and ears on the ground by helping distribute postcards/flyers advertising the spay/neuter services being funded by this grant.

Other Information
Provide any additional information that will help the grant selection committee understand how the program will operate to achieve its goals.
Total number of sterilization surgeries projected:
Cats: 200    Dogs:  150 
Total budget requested (Budget should not exceed $25,000): $25,000.00 
Average cost/surgery projected: $72.00 
Describe any expenses that are not included in the grant and how they will be paid for (for example, vaccines, microchipping, ear notching, etc.):
Grant only includes surgery cost. Additional costs are Rabies vaccine ($10 per animal) if the pet owner does not have vaccine or record of animal having been given one. There are other ala-carte items available at the time of surgery like microchips, combos/heartworm testing and more. See uploaded document titled HHS Vet Services Pricing for pricing and details of ala-carte items available.
Describe any other funding sources for this program, i.e. other grants, targeted fundraising efforts, budget allocation, etc.
There are no other funding sources for this specific low-income area grant program outside of this grant request.
What percent of the total cost of the program would this projected grant cover?
All projects must be completed within 12 months of receipt of funding.
Projected start date: 09/01/17/     Projected end date: 09/01/18
Unexpended funds
Any unexpended funds must be refunded to Florida Animal Friend within 30 days of the end of the project.

Requests for extensions
Requests for time extensions are discouraged and not often granted. If it is imperative to request an extension, such request must be made in writing at least 30 days prior to the end of the project. It is FAF’s policy to seldom grant more than a 30-60 day extension.

Failure to submit reports and requests within the required time period will impact your agency’s future grant applications.
Future Funding to Sustain Public Spay/Neuter
*Explain how the organization plans to fund this program in the future. Having sustainable plans including other grants, local donations and other services generating revenue enhances the chances of receiving this grant.
We have ongoing grants through PetSmart Charities and the ASPCA for similar spay/neuter initiatives at our off-site clinic. Future grant funds are continuously being researched in order to best serve our community through our mission.
Promotion of Florida Animal Friend Spay/Neuter License Plate
*Applicants selected for funding are expected to publicize their grant in support of their spay/neuter program and promote the sale of the Animal Friend license plate via press releases, newsletters, website links, social media, etc. Please describe your plan to promote the Florida Animal Friend Spay/Neuter License Plate. Grantees are required to submit documentation of promotional endeavors with their final report.
Halifax Humane Society will promote the Florida Animal Friend Spay/Neuter License Plate: 1. List on our new and upcoming website (as we currently do on the old website) 2. Include free ad space for the license plate promotion within our bi-annual magazine with an estimated distribution of 8,000 donors, members, and friends. 3. Set up Florida Animal Friend Spay/Neuter License Plate displays at our three locations across Volusia County to increase exposure and promotion; (a.) main shelter campus; (b.) off-site spay/neuter clinic; (c.) off-site thrift store. 4. Include promotional flyer or pamphlet-like literature about the Florida Animal Friend Spay/Neuter License Plate in all adoption packets. This can further educate the public about how funds from plate fees help shelters like Halifax Humane Society carry out its mission. 5. Publicly acknowledge to donors, local community, public officials and clients how the generosity of Florida Animal Friend Spay/Neuter grant funding has helped our shelter break spay/neuter barriers.